
General workflow goes like this:

  1. Modify some code in the CNP repository rom_image directory
  2. Run make to assemble & link a new rom image
  3. Test it in the emulator
  4. Burn a new image to eprom
  5. Test the new image on the real hardware



In order to prevent tightly coupling the monitor (and higher level software) running on the system to the specific hardware of the CNP systems, I wanted to try to isolate the hardware interface behind a somewhat standardized BIOS. This should (and did) allow me to do things like swap from serial output to using a video adapter without modifying too much code.


The BIOS handles system initialization at boot. The first thing it needs to do is some general 6502 Initialization stuff. Clearing the zero and stack pages isn’t really necessary, but it helps when looking at memory dumps if the SRAM isn’t full of random data.

    sei           ;disable interrupts
    cld           ;clear decimal mode
    lda #0        ;clear zero and stack pages
    ldy #0
    sta 00
    sta 01
st_zp:            ;clear zero page
    sta (00),y
    bne st_zp
    tay           ;clear stack page
    inc 01
    sta (00),y
    bne st_sp				 
    ldx #$FF      ;set stack pointer

    jsr initialize

  Now that the processor & ZP/Stack is initialized, we can start bringing up the rest of the hardware. First thing is to get some ouptut to the user so we can see what is going on. USE_I2C_INPUT and USE_DISPLAY are assembler macros that define what hardware is available on the system.

    ;;;; ACIA
    lda #%00001011                ;No parity, no echo, no interrupt
    lda #%00011111                ;1 stop bit, 8 data bits, 19200 baud

    ;;;; I2C
    .ifdef USE_I2C_INPUT
    jsr INIT_I2C
    ;;;; I2C Keyboard Interface

    .ifdef USE_DISPLAY
    ;;;; Display Init
    jsr display_initialize

  We then print a message to tell the user a little about the system. The build timestamp is generated when the code is assembled. Nothing is worse than banging your head against a wall testing a fix that actually isn’t in the ROM you are running.

CNP-1 (build 1588964055)
16K RAM $0000 to $3FFF
32k ROM $8000 to $FFFF
6551 ACIA at $4400
6522 VIA at $6000

  Next we run a quick RAM test, running the following procedure for each page of available RAM. This is a pretty basic RAM test where we write a pattern to a full page, then read it back and verify it. If something fails, then we just sit & loop.

.proc test_page             ;test a page of memory
    sta POSTADR+1           ;A should hold page to test
    ldy #$00
    sty POSTADR

    lda #$FF                ;A holds test pattern
    jsr test_page_w_pattern ;test page
    lda #$AA
    jsr test_page_w_pattern
    lda #$55
    jsr test_page_w_pattern
    lda #%00010001
    jsr test_page_w_pattern
    lda #%00100010
    jsr test_page_w_pattern
    lda #%01000100
    jsr test_page_w_pattern
    lda #%10001000
    jsr test_page_w_pattern
    lda #%11101110
    jsr test_page_w_pattern
    lda #%11011101
    jsr test_page_w_pattern
    lda #%10111011
    jsr test_page_w_pattern
    lda #%01110111
    jsr test_page_w_pattern
    lda #$00
    jsr test_page_w_pattern
    ldy #$FF                ; Start at top of page
    sta (POSTADR),y         ; fill page with pattern
    cpy #$FF
    bne fill_loop
    ldy #$FF
    cmp (POSTADR),y         ; compare page with pattern
    bne error
    cpy #$FF
    beq success
    jmp compare_loop
success:                    ;puts "Ok"

    putsln ""
    putsln "Error occurred"

    jmp error_hang


  Now we can jump into the monitor…but I think I will document that in another post.