The 6502 was used in many of the 80’s microcomputers and was the processor first for which I ever learned assembly. This made it a natural choice for my first homebrew computer. Like starting any project like this, the first step is usually research.

Homebrew Hardware

These pages have tons of information and reference designs. The 6502 Primer should be the absolute first thing to read if you are thinking about creating your own 6502 system.


Monitors & System Software

It’s always interesting in the homebrew computer community what people include in their monitor/BIOS. There are lots of examples and they are as varied as the people that wrote them.

  Part of the fun of the 6502 is it’s simplicity. What some people have been able to achieve with it is amazing…

Data Sheets

When you have an idea of what you want to achieve, a reading of the datasheets below will let you know what you are in for.

Device Part No Description Datasheet
65c02 CPU W65C02S6TPG-14 WDC 6502 processor capable of 14MHz! Link
6522 VIA W65C22S6TPG-14 WDC 6522 Versatile Interface Adapter Link
6551 ACIA W65C51N6TPG-14 WDC 6551 Asynch Communication Interface Adapter Link
62256 AS6C62256-55PCN 32k x 8 SRAM Link
28C256 AT28C256-15PU 32k x 8 EEPROM Link